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Use an Inset Multi-Fuel Stove to Improve Efficiency
There can be no doubt that an open fire enhances the atmosphere of its surrounding location, transforming lifeless spaces into vibrant, welcoming living rooms. Indeed, as open fires create the focal point of many family homes it is understandable that people are often reluctant to give them up.
However, as a source of heat energy they are relatively inefficient. In a typical open fire, only 30 per cent of the heat will stay in the room, the other 70 per cent escapes up the chimney. As a result, extra fuel must be burned to maintain the desired temperature.
Installing an inset multi-fuel stove into a traditional open fireplace, means you can dramatically improve the energy efficiency of the combusted fuel, reducing your heating bills without sacrificing the aesthetic benefits of a fire.
Reduce your fuel bills
Whether you decide to change to burning wood, stick to coal or burn a combination of the two, the efficiency of a stove when it comes to combustion means you can achieve the same heat output with less fuel.
Furthermore, if your stove is attached to a boiler, the water you heat from excess energy can be used to heat your radiators and provide enough hot water for your domestic requirements. With the right system, therefore, you can heat your whole house with just one stove.
Reduce your carbon footprint
The energy efficiency of a stove means by requiring less fuel, you will automatically reduce your carbon footprint. However, with a multi-fuel or wood burning stove you have the choice of reducing your carbon emissions even further. Although dependent upon your source of fuel or your wood provider’s processes, burning wood can be carbon neutral.
The amount of carbon dioxide that is given off by wood when burnt is roughly the same as the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by trees as they grow. Indeed, rotting wood would also emit carbon dioxide, so by collecting wood that would otherwise rot on a forest floor and burning it in your stove you are not adding any extra carbon emissions to the atmosphere.
Making sure your wood is well seasoned (dried properly) will ensure the carbon emissions are minimal, as wet wood prevents complete combustion and particles escape as carbon monoxide in smoke.
Find a style and model to suit your taste
The increasing popularity of inset and stand-alone stoves, means there are models to suit every style of decor and individual heating requirements. Get advice from experts to ensure your stove is perfect for you.